суббота, 23 февраля 2019 г.

Quod licet iovi non licet bovi

Iovi Et Bovi: The Teflon Hillary Standard, by Michelle Malkin

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On a different note, the recent interim measure adopted by the Vice-President of the Court in Commission v. If, on the other hand, you mean that you're using a mouthstick, eye tracker, etc. Invalidi i ratnici su očit simbol stvaranja te države, a nju nisu prihvatili mnogi pridošlice, jugofili i stoljećima neintegrirani pripadnici nekih skupina. Showcased the way we think it should be — with honesty, passion, intelligence, controversy and wit. Ova poslovica je u izvornom obliku malo drugačija: Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi — što je dopušteno Jupiteru nije volovima. Stvara stranku kakvu želi, vrlo uspješno, a nitko ostavku ne podnosi zbog uspjeha. After Comey hammered the final nail in the classified-information coffin, the enabler in chief promptly whisked Clinton out of D.

Latinske izreke

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Rather impolite, please hold to the Netiquette or be flamed! Brexit is certainly not that well defined; if it actually happens, the results may take the hindsight of a hundred years -- or a thousand -- to understand. For her shoddy leadership and dangerous lack of judgment, along with her utter indifference to the threat environment her evasive actions pose to America, Hillary Clinton has the backing of Barack Obama to take his place at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. If I had a choice, I guess it would be nice to be wielding the thunderbolt. To ensure editorial control and independence, we pay for the polls ourselves and generate revenue through the sale of subscriptions, sponsorships, and advertising. For those who are really into the numbers, can review demographic crosstabs and a full history of our data. U svakoj drugoj državi se onima koji se ne žele integrirati, ili svako malo pljuju po svemu što nosi oznake te države, preporuča da se odsele tamo gdje im je ljepše.

Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi

quod licet iovi non licet bovi

Thus,, this Order may be interpreted as a definitive commitment of the Court to play a decisive role in countering the rule of law backsliding in Poland. Pozdravljaju te oni koji će umrijeti! After Comey hammered the final nail in the classified-information coffin, the enabler in chief promptly whisked Clinton out of D. This obviously makes a lot more sense than the supreme god being superior to an oxen or a cow, although to some that would seem to be an apt description of the relation between the sexes before the emancipation of women. Some information, including the and are available for free to the general public. Unqualified pot, meet unfit kettle. Probably no longer than it takes for Nicola Sturgeon to get Scotland out of the Union, and for the border posts to be set up again between N.

Latinske izreke

quod licet iovi non licet bovi

Nisi bio niti ćeš biti čovjek koji želi suživot i boljitak svima nama. I'm wondering how long the Channel Tunnel can survive. The ox is a servile beast, sacrificial animal for elites in power, bearer of the heavy yoke. Dakle, sasvim normalan proces i ustaljena praksa nekih skupina društva. Quam vero difficilis eius diuturna simulatio! Hrvatska nacionalna i ljudska perverzija, nacionalna i društvena tragedija očito nema granica. Ono što mene zanima je huka, buka i konsternacija koja je nastala nakon što je jedan član šatoraša lijep izraz najavio mogućnost podnošenja kaznenih prijava. One commodore was relieved for cause; the others face disciplinary measures that could effectively end their careers.

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi

quod licet iovi non licet bovi

Marsovac bi dobio dojam da je ta okupatorska ekipa u svojoj zločinačkoj namjeri iskorijenjavanja demokracije, ljudskih prava i sloboda otišla tako daleko da je zaposjela sve što se u ovoj državi može zaposjesti. You can also hear this saying read aloud at a Polish website: Wladyslawa Kopalinskiego Slownik wyrazَw obcych i zwrotَw obcojezycznych. Independently of its outcome, this affair shows the importance of a transparent appointment process. If we are discussing ideas, it is a good thing to question those ideas. A takva bliskost s narodom živi i danas, u onima koji se bore za narod dobivajući uvjetni zatvor zbog provala u automobile. Michelle Malkin is a senior editor at Conservative Review.


quod licet iovi non licet bovi

Kada bi slučajno neki Marsovac doletio u Hrvatsku i čitao dnevni tisak onda bi morao steći dojama da je došao u zemlju koju je upravo okupirala grupa izrazito brutalnih, krvoločnih zvijeri oblika i jezika mržnjom zadojenih poluljudi koji su usred Zagreba postavili svoj šator i teroriziraju obični puk, poliitčare i novinare, jednom riječju svakoga građanina Republike Hrvatske. Ti njemu mater ili kažeš da je lopov, on tebi kaznenu prijavu. As you can see the link has it correct. For her shoddy leadership and dangerous lack of judgment, along with her utter indifference to the threat environment her evasive actions pose to America, Hillary Clinton has the backing of Barack Obama to take his place at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The for the phrase is Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts 1826 by the German novelist Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, although it is not entirely clear that Eichendorff coined the phrase himself. What is the point of a discussion if we agree beforehand? There is this line in Terence: hoc licet inpune facere huic, illi non licet in. One of the students came up with a question, and started to pull out a packet of cigarettes.

Quid Licet Iovi, Non Licet Bovi

quod licet iovi non licet bovi

One commodore was relieved for cause; the others face disciplinary measures that could effectively end their careers. Enter your email address to subscribe to email notifications for new posts. Kombinacija privremenog crvenog adrenalina nakon dobitka paralmentarnih izbora i naknadnog prefarbavanja države im je privremena dala osjećaj da su konačno prekoračili nacionalnu pustinju zvanu domoljublje i hrvatska Hrvatska. The lord of the gods disguised himself as a bull to carry off Europa, after all. Her email address is malkinblog gmail.

Quod licet bovi non licet Iovi

quod licet iovi non licet bovi

One commodore was relieved for cause; the others face disciplinary measures that could effectively end their careers. Ova formulacija u antici nije potvrđena, no vjerojatno se radi o parafrazi stiha iz komedije Heauton timorumenos Samomučitelj, stih 797 : Aliis si licet, tibi non licet. I especially liked the option to hear he idiom read aloud. A god and an ox are not the same, and they have different jobs in life. Umjesto angažiranja odvjetnika domoljubi rađe angažiraju galamdžije koji će nekom protivniku opsovat mater, ali zato ne znaju napisat tri suvisle rečenice. Hmmm, the rhyming element of this proverb makes me think it is probably medieval in origin, and I don't know about it being in Terence. More recently, the reticence of the Court in L.

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